Joyful Radiance


Tantric Necklace Joyful Radiance - Cherry Quartz, Aura moonstone, Quartz, and Goldfill

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Are you too serious all the time? Cherry Quartz brings warmth and joy to the heart, Aura Moosntone brings intuition, and quartz surrounds you in clarity. Calm down and prevent the mind's negative thoughts and incessant worrying steal from your precious moments. Allow yourself to experience the fullnessof your life and instead of worrying and giving into the self critical thoughts, relax into the knowingness and take refuge in your heart space. The battle between the heart and the mind is real. Joyful Radiance overpower the mind's tendancies to "be perfect" all the time. Great for those who need to have more fun in life Invite the Joy and Happiness and forgvie yourself so you can move forward and have fun.